The next information belongs to Youtube Insights, we want to thank Ellie Goulding Colombia who inform us about this platform, which counts the views since September 2014 until now.
After visiting it and search for Ellie, we have notice that our country, Spain, supports more Ellie than we thought and in this post we'll explain you about the stadistics of our favorite artist in Spain.
Starting for the Top countries, Spain is position 10 of 100 countries, ranking on the top 10 of those who listen her more and with more than 35 milions of total views.
Entering the spanish territory, Barcelona is position 41 of the cities with more than 3 milions total views and Madrid is position 19 with more than 5 milions total views.
Thanks to all of you who are working hard every day growing the impact of our Ellie in Spain and who listen and support her.
For any doubt, contact with us on our networks like twitter, ask, facebook that you will find at the CONTACT flange in our blog.
A greeting,
Team Ellie Goulding Spain (@ellieg_spain)
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